Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Something new...


We're briefly emerging from retirement: a reader emailed us this picture, and we couldn't resist posting it for you. Toupless? Or just squashed or oddly placed? What year? Public or private? What's going on...? 



  1. Looks toupless to me, although hard to be sure with such low resolution. The hairline looks already recessed and thinning, and with the long/swept back look, perhaps aligning with the hairspray/combover period...

  2. I vote 4 toupless and 1957-58. Glad I kept my touposcope

  3. not sure if this been posted here before but here is Koenig on Shatner's Raw Nerve

  4. I say Toupless, public photo & mid to late 50's.

  5. SHATTOUPBLOG, glad to see you peeking up from behind the white picket retirement fence! The more such peeks, the merrier. As for the photo, it certainly has the appearance of being toupless, circa 1956-57, with an already receded hairline and some combing over. However, either a higher resolution photo or a better touposcope than I currently have in my possession is required to make a more definitive determination.

    1. Here is another image to spark the imagination:

      Seems like a publicity shot of Shatner for ST: TMP, but with a toup that is somewhat different from a patty he ended up wearing on screen and certainly not the curly atrocity he had on in one of the test shots before the crash diet.

    2. From the same collection, here's an interesting shot:

    3. And ... oh, wow!

    4. TouperUp, that rug seems notable for being BLACK, not a color we associate with Star Trek toups, like... ever?

      Does it look black to everyone? (I hope we don't have a lighting/perceptual puzzle here, like the DRESS - that polarizes opinion and sparks terrible intra-STB fights.)

  6. Trouble with ToupeesMay 8, 2016 at 1:47 PM

    Just looks like another run-of-the-mill Suzie Wong pic to me.

  7. 'The Suzie Wong Shell' slickback

  8. Al Hirschfeld's caricature of Shatner & Nuyen from 1958. Interesting that he already draws Shatner bald in the back of his head.

    1. shats own real syrupMay 11, 2016 at 10:03 AM

      I did see that drawing, very interesting! There's plenty of non-toupeed photos of him, at that time! But baldness was rapidly creeping up on him, even then. This prompts a question! He brought a toupee in 1957, to cover a bald patch at the back of his head, Which was already quite noticeable, why did he then appear to wear it for one movie or show, then not for another? As putting on and taken off a toupee, would remove a lot of hair each time it's done, as the toup is glued to his head? It could have been done, to give the illusion of a still full head of head. Maybe even the shat himself needed to do this, he would have had up to maybe 1960 latest too do this, as the advancement of his receding would have made it impossible any later than that.

    2. The old lace front toupees were glued and anchored to the forehead and not to the top of the head. There was no need to shave off the real hair to wear one of those hairpieces

    3. Front and back are really interesting there. It's not obvious right away if the lighter shade in back is meant to be thinning hair or light reflected from the back. Either way it's a great take on Suzie Wong hair and the front is pre-toup for sure.

  9. shats own real syrupMay 10, 2016 at 4:12 PM

    Toupless, around 1956, or thereabouts! Maybe a very very early publicity shot.

  10. Lt.James Kirk. Instructor. Starfleet Academy. San Francisco. Earth. 2259

  11. Smoking gun? Here's the guy who has been cited as Shatner's toupee maker. Look at his hair.

    1. Peach, every respect, this has been discussed for years.

    2. Peach, there were two reporters employed by the WSITS, I think there names were Baldward and Toupstein that uncovered the link between Katz and Shat in a story known as Toupgate. Read about it on this site, its one of the finest pieces of toupological reporting we have every witnessed.

  12. I saw a program when I was a child that had Shatner playing a farmer and he was chrome dome bald. It was black and white.

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  14. We've missed you! Please come back more often. A serious question now - what colour do we think Shatner's natural hair actually was? After ST TOS all pictures of him show his hair to be pretty dark. Was this because it was easier to dye his own hair and then match a cheap toup to it? It is impossible to tell from B&W photographs because everything looks dark regardless, and gels like Brillcreme were in normal usage.

    1. shats own real syrupJune 7, 2016 at 5:30 AM

      Shatners hair, when young was a light brown, almost blond, but not quite! He started graying in his early 40's! And the ridiculous black curly toupee, he had from around 1976, wasn't even his own color.

    2. Thanks! Poor guy, his hair must have really hated him and from such a young age too, warping out of orbit above his skull and going grey to boot. He should have dyed it fairer though, grey doesn't show so much. But for speed and cost, I suppose he had no choice but to go darker.
      I was thinking the other day of the story he tells of while he was living in his flat-bed truck in the desert post-divorce, how a kid turned up and knocked on the door and got a guided tour of his digs. Did he have time to toup up before he opened the door, or did the kid see him as nature intended?

  15. These just beg for a toupological analysis:;; (b&w - quite telling); I wonder if Bill had any clue that the toup was so badly attached on that day.

  16. If shatner were a young actor today, would he need to wear a toup? He'd get the hair plugs done and might not even need a hairpiece. makeup people nowadays can compensate for thin hair like in the case of jon cryer and the results are incredible. Though maybe not as incredible as the TJ Curly. That was truly the eighth wonder of the world

    1. Too expensive for a young actor though I expect. I suppose he could save up for it while applying thickening spray and employing careful brushing, but he wouldn't have been able to work for a while, at least on camera, until the plugs had taken and fill-in growth had started. Perhaps this is what actors mean by periods of "resting"!!! I wonder if he loaned out the TJC for people who needed some extra chest hair?

  17. Hi, Peter Shatner here. Do any of you guys own a toupee formerly worn by my daddy? I'm looking for DNA samples to prove paternity.

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    3. Andrew, I think this pic will answer your question. BTW I'm now in talks to begin writing Tekwar - The Next Generation. My Best, Peter

    4. Nice pic Peter.Do you wear a toupee also like your Dad?

    5. No one wears a toupee like my dad.

      Peter Shatner

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    7. I do get a kick out of this thread. You guys kill me.


      Peter Shatner

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  19. This is interesting: at the Star Trek History website is a series of pages featuring deleted scenes. The page for The Savage Curtain ( includes an image sequence (#9) of Chekov, McCoy and Scott on the bridge. There is an obvious "hole" at the back of Chekov's hair, which suggests both why the scene was deleted and that Walter Koenig was going bald long before any of us knew it.

    1. Trouble With ToupeesJune 26, 2016 at 11:45 AM

      It’s a low parting – he had an extremely exciting comb-over going on at the time.

    2. I'm sure I read somewhere that his bald patch was sprayed with something dark to hide it. And I'm also sure that in the episode Day of the Dove, when Kirk knocks Chekov away from the Klingon woman and then gives him a right hook up against the wall, causing him to slide down it, there is a distinct black mark left on the wall.

  20. I am told that the author of the acclaimed Gawker report on Trump's probable weave refuses to accept credit for her achievement and states "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". By "giants", she means the towering rug investigation pioneer, the intrepid Shattoup. Only by building on the achievements of the great can mankind (personkind) forge farther.

    1. It did remind me of Toupgate, though she didn't seem to prove it as definitively as was done here with the Katz connection

  21. Sharing this because it's cute, it's well-scripted, and it might elicit toup insights (epiphanies)?

    You're welcome.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nah, no chance. Shatner's had better self-control for a start and he was a babe-magnet whereas you'd have to pay most women really well to even touch Trump's arm.

    2. Shatner's hair could beat up Trump's hair any day of the week

    3. Nah. Personally, I couldn’t get past the first 1/3 of the long piece about the TrumpWeave because the subject hardly interests me. I bet others feel the same. And what might account for the difference in fascination about the hairpieces? The Shat toup is on a beloved entertainer and symbol of a franchise that means a lot to many people. The TrumpWeave is on… um….

      About ToupGate, WeaveGhazi: I’m sure Weave reporter (as adidas says) fell short of the proof standard set by ToupGate. It doesn’t surprise me if the master (ST) is still the master and the apprentice the apprentice.

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  24. I think ShatToupBlog gets a mention on this podcast @41:00

  25. Nimoy dons the TJ Curly

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  26. Remember this toupee that ShatToup reported in 2015?

    It has a counterpart in nature:

  27. Did you all catch the Mccoy toast in ST Beyond? He wished Kirk "Great eyesight and a full head of hair" A toupological message of sorts?

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  28. @Mostjerk - yes a reference/nod to TWOK and a below the belt doublefist blow at the TJ Curly!

    1. Yes, an ingenious slam at the TJ!! Do scriptwriters waste an audience of millions on a limp snark about baldness? No, these sharp operators slyly reference TWOK (“eyesight”), aiming the superheated laser at the most scorned of the toupees, until it sputters and explodes in flames! Now Beyond has flaming TJ! Awesome! Best thing I’ve heard this week.

  29. You think I wear a toupee?

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  32. Recently rewatched The Cage and hit upon a theory id never thought of before - Pikes (Hunter) hair is at times vaguely TJ (like a shorter/neater version). What if when it came time to do the movies shat decided to model his hair on Hunter/Pike? (longer, curlier) a 'I always liked that look Hunter had (the movie star look) and wish to emulate it when I return as Kirk'

  33. Like the M5 in the Ultimate Computer, this blog has learned to exist on its own without the Creator. Of my friend I can only say this "For him whose hair has been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.

  34. William Shatner anagram: Hair sit well man

  35. @MostJerk
    This. Blog. Must... Die

    1. Thank you for the Shatnerian pause in your statement! Noted and appreciated.

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    4. Andrew:

      take a look at The Shat's father, Joseph, Peter is the spitting image of Joe.

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  36. I wonder if Shatner, who as we all know is very active on twitter (and that is an understatement) ever received an automated twitter suggestion to follow SHATTOUPBLOG. Image if Shatner were to follow (although I strongly suspect that has visited this blog at least once, if not more regularly)?

    1. im fairly certain Mr Shatner will have perused this site inciting a range of emotions - fascination, nostalgia, incredulity, victimisation, annoyance (especially at the uncovering of the denny katz), laughter, an pride and victoriousness (in the sheer body of tv and film work on display and that no toupless photo exists)

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  39. shats own real syrupAugust 5, 2016 at 4:56 PM

    I think there may be a way, of getting the shat too at least notice our existence! I may say more later, but are we all up for it?

  40. The 'Denny' just a few moments ago..

  41. Toupee or not toupee, Shat is the question (from William Shatspeare's Hamlet).

  42. @Anonymous the young Shatner more than likely had a toupee be or not toupee internal struggle at somepoint in the 1950s:

    Toupee. or. not. toupee..thatisthequestion!
    Whether 'tis...nobler. in. the mind. to.. SUFFER!..the slingsandarrows of.. OUT-RAGE-ous fortune..
    Or. to take arms against a..a sea of troubles!..And, by opposing, end them!

    1. Suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous baldness... Or to take arms against a sea of tribbles...and by wearing them...make thy hairloss all the more apparent!

    2. "Good Night, Good night! (My)...PAR-ting is such SWEET sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be... morrow." Bill saying goodnight to hairpiece circa mid 70s

  43. chrome(dome) magnonAugust 9, 2016 at 9:54 AM

    What has this website done to me? Every time I watch Star Trek now I always end up looking at Bill's hair. It's not funny anymore. I'm sure most of us have seen Bones (for example)looking at Bill's hair from time to time during the episodes (as an example when the wind is blowing said hair at the OK Corral in Spectre of the Gun). Maybe there should be a new thread mentioning which episodes Bill's hair is eyed up? Are the performers silently marvelling at the sheer artistry involved in covering up the missing bits on Bill's head or perhaps wondering if Bill knows the join will be visible when HD versions of the episodes are released 40 odd years into the future and his secret will be out? If my wife finds out I've posted this I just know she'll leave me. Then again I've always got this website for company...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My wife of 12 years divorced me soon after discovering my late hour obsession with the Shat toup blog.

    3. I fear the same fate texasgreek. My wife has gone to bed and I am staying up late to check out the latest comments on this blog. My fate is sealed; left to wander the streets alone with only shatnerstoupee.blogspot for company (or as Shat the great says in 'and the children shall lead': " I'm alone. Alone. Alone") Maybe pharmaceutical companies will one day have to create a cure for the inevitable oncoming widespread addiction for shatoupism. I can hear my wife coming down the stairs...


    A great link above of Bill down the years with a vast array of different styled toups!

    1. to anon re -

      some beautiful and rare images there. a true treasure trove for any fan of Shat (can image many fans as myself would've been ecstatic to find a magazine pre internet days containing those images in a SF comic store..)

  45. Care for some Merlot?
    I have an extra toupee you can try on.

  46. In the event your toupee needs emergency care:

  47. There are many FUE treatment centre. If anyone wants the best FUE centre then you can visit this link and watch this video now. FUE hair transplant

    1. Mrs Kaur.I admire your work ethic and thinking outside for your company.Have you thought about approaching Bill Shatner with your product?

    2. Mrs Kaur.I admire your work ethic and thinking outside for your company.Have you thought about approaching Bill Shatner with your product?

  48. Ratty Lost Years PieceAugust 24, 2016 at 5:17 AM

    Saw an ad for Shatner's new reality show, "Better Late Than Never." Should be interesting to see what toupological instances occur outside the studio confines.

    The Katz itself is looking ever lighter and fluffier, like it was made from the gremlin's pelt in Nightmare at 20000 Feet. Here's a like to the "Better Late..." premiere. Scroll right through the gallery for Shat - there's a prominent Toupee TanLine at the right temple:

    1. He used a baseball cap to keep the toupee snafus to a minimum. I was hoping the theme of the show would be "Better late than never"... to go toupless.

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    3. chrome(dome) magnonAugust 25, 2016 at 6:24 PM

      Like Thor without Mjolnir, Popeye without spinach, Snow White without the Seven Dwarves, or fish without chips, Mr Shat without a 'topping' of some description just wouldn't be the same.

    4. Ratty - the Katz has been fluffed up abit to resemble a TJC Phase 2..perhaps shatner longs for the 80s..

    5. Ratty Lost Years PieceAugust 28, 2016 at 12:16 AM

      @Anon - I agree - he's definitely been channeling the TJ over the past year. I' previously dare to say he's even hearkening back to the footloose and fancy free days of the Phase-I, given the top-fluff and mismatched side color seen here:

    6. The title, good god, the show seems like a shining opportunity to revisit *all* the themes of this blog on entirely new shat material. I respect Shat Toup's preference to leave shat alone during his doddering years, but those pics suggest (as pictures of him often do) that he doesn't age, so maybe that forbearance serves no purpose!

    7. It's actually come loose below the left temple.

    8. @Ron - This is a subtle, coded signal to Toupophiles everywhere to expect some Hair Raising excitement on the new program.

  49. If you photoshopped Shatner's face onto the front of Terry Bradshaw's noggin, it might give an approximation of what shatner would look like sans hairpiece

  50. what is all you toupers opinions on the Trek (1)4 going to be time travel with Pine Kirk meeting his dad (played by doubt in order to bring

    possible sounds the direction Orci was going with his ST3 that got canned (the writers are the same) plus maybe some Yesterdays Enterprise elements?

    hopefully this time they will find space for Shatner and not just in a photo (that was a cool scene in STB though - seeing the TJ Curly gracing the big screen once again)

  51. Ratty Lost Years PieceAugust 28, 2016 at 12:25 AM

    Something funny going here on at the front of the DK. Almost a Jim-like frontal swoosh? A 2-piece piece? there anybody in there?

    1. A Beautiful piece. Reminiscent of the TJs later years (Rescue! 911). Its an absolute crime Shatner didn't showcase this beauty on the big screen in Trek Beyond (as was originally intended).

    2. Comment above was meant for RLYP comment about the TJ style wiki pic

  52. but he doesn't wear a hairpiece...

  53. This blog is ling overdue another entry. Possible topics - Pines hair throughout the nu Trek movies (how it became similar to the Jim Kirk lace in STB, possible transplant/wig even? Pines hair similarly to the Denny Katz when 'buzzed')

    -more Trek movie analysis (III-VII)

    1. Anonymous, Shat Toup blogger retired a few months ago, supposedly "to spend more time with his family", though some speculate that he was really motivated by fear of Shat's wrath!
      Fortunately for readers, Shatner is always pleading broke and poor, and would never spend any of his fortune trying to harm this site, unlike a certain billionaire who shuttered a website in retaliation for unfavorable coverage!!! Phew. Shatner's relative poverty is something to be grateful for.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. THIS IS PERFECT (Pine being benevolently counseled by Prime Kirk on toupee secrets)

    4. Its ok.but its not that perfect.Another plot could be a Moon Princess wants to marry Kirk but Kirk refuses her.The Moon Princesses War Ship attacks the Enterprise.The ship is too powerful for the Enterprise.Spock,Mccoy and Kirk convene in the meeting room.
      KIRK:What can i do to save the ship
      SPOCK:The only logical procedure is stopping the Moon Princess from finding you attractive Captain.
      KIRK:how can i do that, its impossible.
      KIRK.What Bones? know what to do.
      KIRK.I cant Bones,
      McCoy.Damn it Jim, you have to save the people of this ship.

      Que the greatest unveiling of all time and a most brave act.

    5. This is great stuff. But sometimes a story needs a twist at the end. Maybe the greatest unveiling of all time does occur but the Moon Princess still wants to marry him and the only way for the Enterprise and Kirk to escape is for Spock and Scotty to create a new weapon powerful enough to overcome the War Ship. This weapon could be created through a matter/anti-matter mix combined with the incredible power of the toup and leaving it to be called only one thing; a photon toupedo. "Photon toupedo away Keptin"

    6. I like it.We make a good team.But in a further twist McCoy sees the devasting effect the greatest unveiling of all time has had on Kirks.On his ability to lead and captain.So he administers a mandorary flu vaccine to the whole crew which secretly contains a mind eraser.So noone in the crew remembers accept for Spock as he is immune to the vaccine. But its a good thing as you can trust Spock to stay quiet and you never know when the crew of the Enterprise may need the power of the toup again.

    7. Good stuff, McCoys Passion. I like it. A working title for this could be either 'The Naked Toup', 'A Private Little Toup', 'For The World Is Hollow and I Have Touched The Toup' or even 'Requiem For Metoupselah'.

    8. Or, 'For the Wig is a hologram, but I Have Touched the Toup'.

    9. sorry kids, your ideas have merit, but I still prefer the simple, compelling character-based drama of the Toup Mentor Kirk idea. In the spirit of the early franchise, you know. And how can we imagine personal magnetism of galactic-political import radiating from Prime Kirk. PK was always meant to be the Toup Patriarch of the galaxy.

    10. Prime Kirk could be an intergalactic toupee ambassador.After addressing the needs of his crew.(looking at you Chekov) he could show Klingons who are frustrated by there big foreheads how to applicate a touplifious.Jolding a conference infront a 1000 people demonstrating application of Touupppeeeee.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Sorry for that last post, it was a bit gay.

    1. I suspect an imposter is at work here.Easily rectified.

  56. 50. Years. Of.

  57. Walter Koenig declines interview for William Shatner bio

    There’s no love lost between Walter Koenig and William Shatner, co-stars of the original “Star Trek” TV series.

    Post TV editor Michael Starr, who’s writing an unauthorized biography of Shatner for Applause Books, asked Koenig for an interview.

    “Unless you will have several photos in your book showing Mr. Shatner having sex with a horse, I must politely decline,” Koenig replied.//End

    I think I may have been setting my sights too low in trying to find a post-1960 Toupless photo of Shatner, when instead I should have been on the lookout for a toupless Shatner having sex with a horse.

    1. Ratty Lost Years PieceSeptember 13, 2016 at 4:45 AM

      I'd always thought the whole horse thing was so the Shat can keep a lock on raw materials for future batches of toupees.

    2. Or a ruse to test the durability of the piece.If untested it gets weak.

  58. Could you just imagine Shatner letting Jimmy Fallon do to his hair what Fallon did to Trump's? Talk about a ratings bonanza!

    1. I was thinking the same but i think the Denny Katz is quite durable and Fallon proof.I would be interested if Fallon did the same to the JKL.

  59. Trumps hair is real no?

  60. I've found this site immensely entertaining over the years, with a remarkable amount of sleuthing about Shatner's hair. But I would point something out. Shatner's natural hair appears to be fine. I, too, have been blessed with such. I nonetheless have a full head of hair. My barber says I have great density but because the hair itself is fine, you can see down to the scalp without problem. Because my hair is also straight, the combination limits what I can do. If I trim the hair short so it's manageable, you can see my scalp If I allow it to grow long so it hides more, the weight of the hair makes it messy, even with product, which also then weights it down. I say all this because a lot of the photos of Shatner suggest his hair has similar problems. Now, that doesn't mean his hair wasn't thinning or that he didn't go bald. All I'm saying is that if he has fine hair, he could have a whole head of it, and especially under the bright studio lights, would need a wig or toupee to conceal his scalp.

    1. Gassy, did Bill put you up to this?
      Anyone who has perused this site for years is very unlikely to walk away a view that Shatner has a full head of hair or anything close to it. All evidence at hand suggests that Bill said goodbye to at least 2/3 of his scalp cover by the end of the 1960's, if not sooner.

    2. Imagine the shock and awe of the shat removing his toup to reveal an enviable full head of fine hair (Norwood 1). He just needed the extra thick density of the JK lace, TJ, Denny to cover the odd bits of scalp showing..

  61. I think thats the standard Shatonian defence.But in the court of law witnesses such as James Doohan and the actress who played Savik have testified to the contrary.

  62. Happy 50th, Star Trek (and ShatToup)! :-)

  63. I can't believe a man as beautiful as Captain Kirk wore a wig.

  64. Paraphrasing Kirk in ST5 what does God need with a starship? What does a person need with a hairpiece in a society advanced enough to travel faster than the speed of light? Answer: in this context, the hairpiece is not an inanimate object but a living being whose purpose is to enter in a symbiotic relationship with the host. Kirk became more than human and was able to transcend his limitations with the help of this creature. After the original 5 year mission, the alien passed away and Kirk tried to find a replacement. The new creature selected by kirk manifested a more "curly" appearance and did not achieve the superior results, but still better than Kirk alone would ever have achieved.

    1. Are you saying that without the piece Kirk would have been defeated by The Gorn.If only The Gorn knew? He could of ripped of Kirks touppee and won the battle and intergalactic history would be dramatically changed.

    2. Credit where due: our host ShatToup unveiled the place of the toupee in the wider galaxy of life forms with this charming story: See if you enjoy it. Something more to seed the toup-tastic imagination?

    3. I tried, but I couldn't make it all the way through that story. The original Star Trek gave us all we could ask for in terms of Kirk/alien/toupee symbiosis. Anything more is just superfluous.

    4. Hmmm...a few ways to interpret that idea in TOS. I'm satisfied to think Sargon would never have made the enlightened decision to terminate his race if union with the toupee had not heightened his mental efficacy and emotional fortitude.

    5. Exactly. Kirk was, at best, a person of average ability, but with his alien compatriot in the picture, he became incredibly resourceful and a force to be reckoned with. The alien enabled Kirk to escape from his own bad decisions and general clueless state to emerge triumphant time and again.

    6. Spock is better than KirkSeptember 29, 2016 at 6:21 PM

      So just imagine if someone with great ability aquired the touppee.This raises the question should Spock have worn it? Or would the balance be wrong? Does the host have to unspectaculor to get the best results?

    7. Are you saying the JKL was more powerful and effective than the TJ curly?
      The TJ curly performed the extraordinary act of staying on Bills head while swimming underwater.Did the JKL ever do anything comparable?

    8. Are you saying the JKL was more powerful and effective than the TJ curly?
      The TJ curly performed the extraordinary act of staying on Bills head while swimming underwater.Did the JKL ever do anything comparable?

  65. Nimoy does appear to have worn a full-on wig in ST 2009. I wonder what type of follicle malfunction required the wig.
    Interestingly, Nimoy had his own hair styled as Spock in test shots and that's his own coif in STID.

  66. Nimoys toupee in Trek 09 must've been only the second time hed ever wore a piece in Trek. (Who can guess the other time? ) wonder if he called Bill up and told him that he was also wearing (and then done that big long laugh he did that you can hear/see in various interviews)

    I guess they just wanted Old Spock to have a longer length in Trek 09 (in the behind the scenes footage its quite short) but in STID he had his own luxurious hair longer so no need for a toup.

    1. I'd guess in STTMP where in the scenes on Planet Vulcan Spock's hair was long. Shatner was said to be extremely jealous of Nimoy's wig as he was of William Campbell's wig in the courtroom scene in Squire of Gothos

    2. Leonard always had the most wonderfully thick hair...

  67. So I'm taking it that Bill's hair was not all his own in 'Hair No Man Has Gone Before'? It is quite a slick little number in this episode and it does look real...

  68. I imagine it mustve been rather tense and awkward in the makeup room on TOS. Nimoy getting his thick glossy mane trimmed and styled as Shatner sits in the neighbouring chair watching in the mirror as the Fred Phillips delicately places the Jim Kirk lace on the thinning thatch

    1. The soon to be dead red shirt.October 2, 2016 at 11:39 AM

      I heard Shat Toup has some grainy footage of this and was about to reveal it as the grande finale for the site. Unfortunately when the powers that be heard about it Shats Toupee had to go into hiding on one of those police secret identity schemes.Shame really.but the truth is out there somewhere.i still believe.

    2. chrome(dome) magnonOctober 2, 2016 at 1:53 PM

      Or even 'The Toup is Out There'

    3. I'd imagine it must also have been a bit tense and awkward when Bill read some of the titles in forthcoming TOS episodes, many of which could easily be wordplayed to draw people's attention to the disguised hair. Some examples of these include; 'Baldance of Terror', 'Hair Leave', 'Hairand of Mercy, 'The Wiggy on the Head of forever', 'Metoupmorphosis', 'The Headly Years', 'A Hairpiece of the Action', 'Head and Circuses', 'That Wig Survives', 'All Our Hairsterdays'. With all that subliminality going on it's no wonder Bill disappeared off the scene after ST...

    4. I don't recognize those titles, but ...I read that Shatner used to psych himself up between takes on the ST set by singing Hair,There and Everywhere

    5. i heard that he only did that before "The Trouble With Tribbles" episode.

    6. Or, alternatively, Bill could have psyched himself up between takes with a variation of Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston's hit song-'It Takes Two' - "It takes toup, baby
      It takes toup, baby
      Me and you, just takes toup
      It takes toup, baby
      It takes toup, baby
      To make a dream come true, just takes toup"

    7. It is true the Shatners Toupee only works as part of a double act.
      In the dressing room singing "me and you" to his touppee.
      In terms of priorities i wonder how high the toupee is?
      Is it above his career? Above his family?

    8. 'Just the toup of us, we can make it if we try, just the toup of us'

    9. Bill Withers, thank god he is still with us. lol

  69. I think we are getting of point.the scenerio was is if spock wore The Toupee not a Touppee.
    If Spock wore the JKL or TJ curly would it have enhanced Spocks power to the same extent it enhanced Kirks?
    Spock would have been a god.Buts good God without an ego unlike other Gods like the ones written in holy books on earth.

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  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. My guess for the reason Nimoy was wearing a wig in ST 2009 would be because of the short-cropped hair he kept during his later years.

    1. Kudos to Fred Phillips for his artistry in many areas, particularly the hair department. How they were able to maintain the toup in all its splendour (and in place) during fight scenes in 'Gamesters of Trichologists' and 'A Private Little Wig' is truly amazing. The fight scenes and maintenance of toup placement in 'Hair No Man Has Gone Before' and 'Hairena' are also worthy of mention.

    2. How much is due to makeup artist vs hair stylist? Kirk's hair in seasons two and three often didn't compare well to season one, so I'd say Virginia Darcy did a great job and had the most impact in handling some of the most wild and unpredictable hairpieces in the galaxy.

    3. I had a dream.not a martin luther king style dream.but one of seeing Shatner without his toupee.I realise this is not a world i would like to live in.Keep up the good work Bill and forever keep your Toupee on.

    4. Nah, you're just prejudiced against bald people. Shatner could do a great service to the follically-challenged by taking off that silly rug and showing the world what lies underneath. He lacks the courage to do so. That is unforgivable.

    5. As a gay man i find many dome chromed men attractive like Jason Statham and Phil Collins.
      Shatner just looks so damn good with the rug on.
      So keep it on. When Shatner appears live at an event or TV it creates a fascinating tension filled atmosphere. Will the wig come off? If it does it's live, it can't be reversed? Will Shatner then have a breakdown in front of the world. A once proud man reduced to a shadow of former glory.

      Shatner might not have the courage, but does Kirk? If so he should channel that energy. Then perhaps one day he might reveal to the world the real Shatner, but for me i don't won't to live in a world which witnesses that.

    6. have you read the shatner discussions at datalounge?

  73. Was Fred Phillips responsible for maintain of the toupee in ST3 and ST4?

    The fight scene on the planet with all the gushing wind in 3. The swimming scene in ST4. To witness that is to witness the eighth wonder of the world.

  74. Is the TJ Curly making a comeback?

  75. Shatner was on British TV on Friday, he seamed confused and not with it. Is he finally losing his marbles completely?
    If Shatner is losing his marbles perhaps one day he might forget to put his toupee on in public.
    Has the great day come to pass? Are we about to witness something completely amazing. I never thought i would see it in my lifetime. A picture of Shatner after 1958 without his toupee.
    How will we name this day?

    1. Unless Shatner is plugging something, he's mostly incoherent. Selling something to the public keeps him on point and focused.

    2. He must have a minder to remind him to out the Toupee on. Perhaps the Minder is a fan of the TJ curly? it seams to be coming back.

  76. The 'Denny Katz' is looking remarkably like a 'TJ Curly' these days (or at least a Trek VI/GEN 'Kirk Curly') check out all the fan twitter pics with Shats giving the exact same expression of bemused/ wonderment/contentment. perhaps William decided to give the trekkies something of a call back to his latter Jim Kirk days for their photos ? if so it was a beautiful gesture..


    "Did you know you were beautiful?"

    Well, I knew my toupee was beautiful.

    1. A man as beautiful as captain kirk could never wear a toupee.

      It goes against beauty logic.

    2. That was excellent - was the conversation scripted and rehearsed? Does Shatner have a "Colbert coach"? Maybe his interview style clicks with certain comics. Colbert never seemed very Trekkie to me, but he seemed genuinely moved by the presence of William Shatner!

  78. What are you doing this sunday? I am going to church.

    1. Gloriously bloated...
      How did Shatner become so bloated? Maybe the weight of the hairpiece compressed him so that his midsection started to expand as a reaction

    2. No.The success the toupee provided Shatner enabled him to live a life of excess.hence the gut.

  79. The above story (I very much doubt Shatner would've wanted/been pleasedBurt had given personal information out like that) as well as Burts very public criticism of Shatner in light of nimoys death suggests that he and Shatner had something of a falling out post Katz?

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  81. @garyseven. Burt seems to have it in for bill. exposing him after he's done him a good turn telling him about Katz. Then shortly after nimoy died he said this

    1. Does Burt, still wear a peace? sorry piece?

  82. This 1958 pic shows the front hairline thinning to the point where it would soon be no longer usable in front of the camera

    Some color 1965 pics from For the People

    And one from the lost years period


  83. The worst thing about finding out that Bill The Great wore a toup throughout Star Trek (allegedly), is that I spent years throughout my teens trying to imitate his various hairstyles. At times, I went for the more severe crop (as in The Galileo Seven) and, when feeling slightly more rebellious, grew it slightly more unkempt at the back (as in Day of The Dove). I'm not sure what words can best describe the utter betrayal and shame I feel now knowing that I was actually trying to imitate faux hair (imitating an imitation-how crazy is that?) I now look back and wonder what must have been going through not only my own mind but also that of my barber when showing him a picture of Bill's hair in one of my prized Bantam Fotonovels and saying 'can I have this style please?'. Suffice to say that my days of going in to a hairdressers with a picture are long gone (in fact, with my chrome dome, visits to a hairdresser are long gone altogether). Is there anyone else out there who took a picture of Bill's hair into their barbers? Somebody please say yes as I need true emotional support at this time. If not, there's always a bottle of Glenfiddich waiting for me and a re-read of my Day of The Dove Fotonovel (which could possibly have a follicle of hair from my youth in it) Despite this, I'm still a big fan of Mr Shatner (and the hair).

  84. So wheres this best ever toupless pic? why do we need to go to all that effort to take the normal bulb out and put in a red one for condition red, to do that i need a pretty good toupless pic.

    1. Why it's right there in front of your nose. Everybody knows. It's their nose, too!

  85. McLintic needs a Link


  87. Thats not that bad.I need a pic of him looking like Chekov without his piece.

  88. And if you do get that pic of him looking like Chekov without his piece, what will you do with it?

  89. I would partake in an act of unholy onanism.For the holy day of Shatners use of the toupee is fully revealed.
    Signalling the start of the end times and the arrival of the horseman of the apocolypse.
