Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Toupee application pictures?

Ok, that is a deliberately misleading headline! What we actually have here are pictures from a somewhat tongue-in-cheek August 1967 feature for Movie Stars magazine showing Bill Shatner having a mold of his body made by the Star Trek costume department. Considering Bill Shatner's fluctuating waist-line, this must have been quite a frequent occurrence!

Normally, Bill Shatner would not have worn a toupee during such a procedure, as who wants to get plaster on it, right? But with the cameras there, it's an entirely different story.

Sourced from eBay.


  1. I feel the need to say something pompous again, so I will aver that the typographical style here provides an amusing counterpoint to the tonsorial twist in the tail!

  2. These pics are scary!!

  3. I'm assuming those are studio hairpieces he's wearing? They look pretty good.

  4. @ 1st RM
    That's pretty weak sauce. I can write something much more pompous-sounding than that (and have).

  5. Re: impostor. It's not anyone I know. Takes all kinds, I guess.

    One reason I post here so much is that I love typing out the word verifications

  6. This post is really freak! Bill looks like a dummy. OK, the pics were staged, but l bet he feared that something could go wrong and damage his beloved toupee.

  7. Great piece of film-making from the 1970's that features one of Bill's best toups from that era

    Obey the Toupee!
