Thursday, September 3, 2009

Toupee: Generations

Remember how Leonard Nimoy was tricked by a teleprompter into making a very rare reference to his pal's toupee? Well, the son of Spock, Adam Nimoy, has been a little less restrained. In his candid autobiography My Incredible Miserable Life: An Anti-Memoir (buy here or visit Adam Nimoy's page here), Nimoy makes a brief reference to seeing Shats' toup separated from its host:

"The other thing I really liked about being on the set, besides hanging out with the cast and gazing at Bill Shatner's hairpiece sitting on a mannequin's head in the makeup department, was the smell. Immediately when you walked in it hit you because there was a little room on the stage where these guys made all the different color knobs you see on the Enterprise control panels."

Young Adam Nimoy visits the
Star Trek set. Source:

Now, Nimoy's experience is a rare one indeed. Biologists have since determined that Shatner's toupee is very much like the Trill species from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - both the host and symbiont are unique beings that fuse into one - and neither can be separated from the other for long periods of time. What was Shats like without his toup? Which characteristics of the fused being were Shatner's and which were the toupee's? Much study has yet to be done in this area.

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